10 Things All 'League Of Legends' Players Know
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10 Things All 'League Of Legends' Players Know

Whether you've been addicted since 2009, or just six months...there's always something to learn.

10 Things All 'League Of Legends' Players Know
League of Legends Free Moba

After so many matches, there are things a League player is bound to catch onto, whether it's the weird lingo, the many strategies and techniques league takes, or just knowing which champions are the most OP. These are some of the first things you'll learn when playing league:

1. It can take months to climb up the ELO ladder, and just a few lost ranked matches to fall back into Bronze.

How many Bronze players does it take to change a light bulb? None, because they can't climb the ladder! *Ba dum tss*

2. Last hitting is necessary.

About 12-16 minions are worth the same gold as killing a champion, meaning you can potentially out-level and out-buy enemy champs. In a perfect world, you'd be able to poke and last hit simultaneously, but sometimes you have to make a choice. So, make the more reliable one.

3. Its everyone's job to ward, not just the support.

Should the support be doing most of the warding? Yes, and I'm not saying everyone has to fork out 800 gold for a sight stone, but the least everyone could do is place a Stealth Ward once in a while. Map awareness wins matches, and you cannot complain about lack of vision if you're a part of the problem.

4. You feel like rage-quitting when someone keeps stealing your kills.

It's bad enough they take your farm, but your kills? For the millionth time, KS does not stand for kill secured!

5. You will always remember your first pentakill.

With the help of the entire team, mine was with Ashe. What was yours?

6. Sometimes you'll have to surrender.

I admit, I die a little inside every time I surrender. Of course there are exceptions and sometimes perseverance can turn a match around, but if you’re 30 minutes in with half your turrets and the team is 15 kills behind, it's usually a lost cause.

7. You have to keep up with patch notes.

How else are you going to know if your favorite champions are getting a buff, or being nerfed? It's not only a good place to learn about any changes to characters, maps, or game play, but it's a good place to have a discussion with the rest of the league community.

8. There will always be someone salty in the match.

Whether it's on the enemy's team or yours, there's going to be someone constantly complaining, insulting, and blaming everyone. It's probably the person that instalocked and justified it by saying they need that role to "carry." Then he or she proceeds to feed, be AFK, and attempts to fight everyone who counters their champion. Last but not least, when they realize how bad their stats are, they either threaten to leave, or just start feeding intentionally. Eventually you just stop reading the chat box, but it's OK because we have the report button.

9. No matter how much of a scrooge you can be, at one point you will spend way too much money on a skin.

If it's a bundle, you tell yourself it's really a deal because you'll eventually buy all the matching skins regardless (as if). Maybe it's incredibly limited and rare like Black Alistar, so spending $800 or more seems worth it so the LOL community can know how rich and dedicated you are to the game. Or, maybe you'll spend 30 bucks (still too much) as a gift to a friend, and justify it by saying nothing is ever too much for a friend! Either way, we're all guilty of it.

10. You either have, had have, or will have an addiction.

The first step is admitting you have a problem. If you're finally over your addiction, you will relapse. Even if you haven't played for months, once you decide one match couldn't hurt, you won't be able to leave your computer all day...or for days. At 45 minutes a round, you can never have just "one quick match." Even if someone surrenders at 20, admit you'll either: want a rematch, 1v1 with the cockiest player, or want to keep up your winning streak. Don't worry though; as an addict myself, I can vouch that there can never be too much league.

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