Self-Discovery: Mind, Body And Soul
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Self-Discovery: Mind, Body And Soul

Taking time to rediscover yourself and your next adventure.

Self-Discovery: Mind, Body And Soul
Witty and Pretty

I feel like this summer really changed me. I embarked on a new journey as I took on an internship in West Virginia. While the internship was rewarding, I also had two other jobs I was working remotely for. I felt like my summer slowly became encompassed with work, work and more work.

I quit reading, talking with “old” friends, partaking in adventures and almost everything I used to enjoy doing. It was like something came over me. I didn’t feel alone or depressed. I just didn’t care. Friends and family called me frequently to check-in, often encouraging me to simply be honest and explain what was wrong but the thing is, nothing was wrong. I felt fine. I was just physically and mentally exhausted. I’d hit a mental roadblock.

The fire inside of me started to dwindle. It felt like I was going through the motions of life without engaging in it. I had become a zombie — a good one at best. That was until one night, I stumbled across a friend’s Facebook post with this quote that has now become my mantra:

“The two most important days in your life are the day you’re born and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain

Then I had to ask myself the question, When had I become a horrible actress on the journey to discovering why I was born? Everything was passing by me, freshman year was chaotic and stressful, but it was also a huge adjustment. College drained me of my last drop of energy! My reaction was to shut down. I decided that three functions of my life had to be rediscovered: my mind, my body and my soul. It was time to draw a site plan back to the foundation.

I began to follow the following tips and practices:


  • Find your passion(s) and what intrigues you to learn.
  • Don’t forget what makes you, you.
  • Get some beauty rest.
  • Explore — don’t ever be afraid of new places.
  • Fall in love with locally grown fruit and vegetables.
  • Seek spirituality.
  • Treat others as you want to be treated.
  • Unhappy with something? Then change it.

Writing is food for the soul. It offers a chance to reflect on thoughts and emotions we tend to ignore. Carry a pen or pencil and a small notebook with you everywhere. Great ideas along with emotions can be stirred from the randomness of actions. Writing will transport you to another dimension for free. The sheer beauty that words can create is insane, but it will remind you that nothing is impossible. It will remind you that emotions are a real thing, and they are what makes us human.

Obligations to family and friends, school, clubs and work started taking over my life. My freshman year, I belonged to over 25 clubs. I spent more time in meetings and events than hitting the books. I became tired and overwhelmed as I struggled to say no.

I remember one weekend in March, calling up my parents and asking them to come pick me up now because it was an emergency. Was it an actual emergency? No, but I needed some me time. I needed a weekend of sleeping in my own bed and cuddling on the couch with my Golden Retriever. I needed to walk around the house in sweats, and I needed to watch football and not stress about disturbing the entire dorm hall.

There are times when we need a moment to ourselves to re-group, to reflect, to pause and take life in. We all enjoy me time differently; for some it is escaping to another universe through reading or films or it is skydiving or watching football. Don't forget about yourself for too long and don’t be afraid to say no. Open up your calendars occasionally and pencil in me time. Take that time to reflect on who you are and where you are going.

Sleep is essential to our well-being, as well. As college students, we stay up way too late because we haven’t quite mastered the art of time management. We spend countless nights switching between Monsters and coffee as we push ourselves to pull all-nighters, not once or twice, but almost every night for a solid week. Sleep, however, is important. It helps us succeed on an exam, focus more and participate in class, and helps remove those bags from under your eyes. So, get some rest, you will thank me in the long term.


Save your money, pack your bags and travel with no planned destination. The most introspective insight on ourselves is gained from traveling. After an adventure, you can reflect on the person you were before. You can appreciate who you are now, and you can start to decide what the future holds. Opportunities to travel are what remind us we are alive. Spontaneous travel will shape you and provide a better outlook on life.

This summer, I spent my weekends traveling. I didn’t know where anything was in West Virginia, but in an hour or two I could be amongst the mountains or drinking Starbucks working on my writing. These spontaneous trips after a long five-day week provided me with time to appreciate the beauty that surrounded me along with the beauty within myself.

First, I must admit that the majority of my diet this summer consisted of Frosties from Wendy’s, sweet tea, fried chicken from The Mason Jar (White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia) and Frosted Flakes. While fried chicken and sweet tea will always remain my favorite meal, I realized that I also needed fruit and vegetables. Growing up, I ate the meals my grandmother or father cooked; I never really paid attention to the things I put into my body. I liked most vegetables growing up, but fruit was always a little weird to me. I only would eat watermelon, and I had never tried berries. After I came to college, and stopped regularly working out, I realized and saw how badly I was draining my body of nutrients. Your body should be respected, after all, it is a temple. So try new fruits and vegetables. It is better to say you have tried it and disliked it than assuming you dislike it because who knows what delicious taste maybe hiding in a fruit or vegetable.


No one can tell you what your spirituality is because there is no one answer. Spirituality to me is being connected to the raw and real side of yourself. It is a practice of relaxation, creation of energy and building of self-awareness and love. It removes the negativity in your life through discovery of forgiveness. It allows you to accept your true identity. Seeking spirituality opens new horizons that may lead to discovering abstract goals. Spirituality comes in a variety of different forms through yoga, prayer, writing or reflections. Whatever it is for you, take five minutes everyday to seek your spirituality. Believe it or not, seeking spirituality will allow you to find your inner voice and soul.

We have all heard this famous line as children more than we probably desire. There is truth, however, to this phrase. Humility is one of the most beautiful qualities in an individual. Volunteering offers you not only a rewarding experience, but also introduces you to unique individuals who you probably would have never interacted with. Volunteering with Habitat for Humanity led me to my internship this summer, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity I received. Through service, you gain a new sense of values and appreciation. You will meet individuals with stories far different from yours, but they will give you a feeling of optimism and reward. Volunteering often isn’t easy, so don’t sell yourself short — be proud of your accomplishments! Even if only for a few shorts offers, volunteering matters because it makes people know you care. It can offer a real and beautiful experience, not only for yourself, but the individuals you are helping. So discover a cause you are passionate about, and find a local organization that works with that cause.

One of the saddest things to me is when we belittle ourselves. We remain in unhappy situations because we feel like it is our job. It isn't our job. If something is toxic in your life, let it go. If you don’t, it will eat you alive. Sometimes it’s hard to realize the things that make us unhappy, but when you do come across something that doesn't better you walk away. You deserve happiness, even if you don't think so, because I guarantee you that you have gifts and talents to offer the world. If after taking your first information systems course, you decide you hate computer programing, then leave; drop the course and find something you are passionate about. If you feel like your path isn’t right, well, chances are it isn’t. Go find the right one.

So, now I leave you hopefully with more wisdom than before you read this article. You are free now, so go change the world. Go discover why you were born. Most importantly always remember you are extraordinary, and you are free. Freedom is oxygen for the soul, as they say.

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