Why Can't I Learn To Forgive?
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Why Can't I Learn To Forgive?

One of the easiest concepts is sometimes the hardest action

Why Can't I Learn To Forgive?

If there is one thing every single person has in common, it's that we all mess up. We all make mistakes, we all hurt each other -- both by accident and on purpose -- and we sometimes we end up hurting ourselves in the process. It is practically written in the Handbook of Life and stamped on our birth certificates next to the word "human" that we are flawed. But why is it that when someone wrongs us, it can be so hard to forgive them?

Whether a friend has betrayed you, a boyfriend or girlfriend has cheated on you, or maybe someone simply let you down in the past, we have all experienced pain in one form or another. Some situations and people are easier to forgive than others. Some grudges are easier to hold, too. Here are some reasons why you may be having trouble saying the three words that can start the repair of any relationship: "I forgive you."

1. It can feel kind of good to be angry.

When a person does something to hurt you, they are now your primary target at which you channel your feelings. You have a tangible, physical object that you can point at and say, "You are the reason I am hurting." Whether or not that is logical, you decide. I have many times found myself being spiteful towards one person for things they had absolutely nothing to do with, and that is definitely a dangerous and unhealthy place to be in.

2. You feel better knowing you are not the one who messed up.

As previously mentioned, we all mess up -- you, me, everyone. Strangely, it can almost feel better knowing that you didn't mess up this time, but instead it was someone else. When a friend is angry with you, you feel distanced and regretful; But as the one who is angry, you get to decide how to handle the situation and have a sort of control over that person.

3. You know they will do it again.

This is a tough one. Especially if a particular person has a history of hurting you, forgiving them the third or fourth time they have made the same mistake can be extremely difficult. You don't want to be perceived as shallow or cold by not forgiving them, but you also don't want them to think you are a pushover or can be treated however they desire. A middle ground in this type of relationship is hard to find, and sometimes it really is best to cut ties in the end. Learning to be selfish and taking care of me first is a difficult but necessary part of life.

4. They never apologized in the first place.

People don't generally jump at the first chance to apologize. Sometimes, they choose to not say sorry at all. Or, if they do, you can tell they are just going through the motions and saying the words. These people are much harder to forgive, especially when you know they couldn't care less about your feelings.

5. Forgiveness involves addressing a painful situation, and all of the emotions that come with it.

Getting to the point where you can say, "I forgive you," and truly meaning it is a real journey. It involves a deep period of reflection where you have to consider who hurt you, how they hurt you, what their intentions were, your relationship with that person, and how you want to move forward with him or her in your life (if at all). Sometimes it is easier to just ignore the situation and move forward without making amends. Admitting to yourself that you are hurt is sometimes the hardest part, because we all have that warrior inside of us that wants to put on a face that says, "I am strong, and nothing can hurt me." But it is important to remember that when we put on a mask, it is the mask that gets loved and not us. Addressing a situation or event that caused us pain is definitely uncomfortable, but it has to be done in order to move forward emotionally.

Pride is often the biggest factor that gets in the way of forgiveness, so it is important to recognize that when a mistake is made, the offender should come forward and apologize, and the victim should be ready to forgive. But, notice that one word: should. Not everyone apologizes for their actions. Not everyone is ready to forgive right off the bat. That's okay. That's normal. Our world is flawed, and none of us are perfect. There is no set timeline on how we are supposed to live. The main thing is that we are ready to make amends, and that we know where true happiness stems from: inside. Forgiveness isn't easy, but trust me when I say it is one of the most freeing and rewarding things a person can ever experience.

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